Toothpaste is the most important type of dentrifice in use today. Daily care of teech has become more or less an established custom in most families. With increasing awareness to the importance of dental hygeine the use of dentrifice is increasing everyday. Tooth paste is regarded as a sophisticated kind of dentrifice and an effective way of ensuring dental care by dentists. Tooth paste comprise of an abrasive mixed with a foaming agent or detegent sweetness, preservatives, flavours etc. Tooth powders are dentrifices essentially consisting of abrasives like CaCO3, di and tri calcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate etc, cleaning agents, flavours, sweetners, preservatives and antiseptics. Formulations of tooth powder is similar to that of tooth paste except for humectants, water and binding agent added in case of tooth powders. The manufacture of tooth paste is at present largely confined to the large scale and well established manufacturers of toiletries and pharmaceutical items. There are some small scale units also manufacturing tooth pastes in various sizes. Tooth powder has a good market potential in villages and towns. Manufacturer of this item has substantial scope for development in smaller towns, villages and backward areas.
Suggested Capacity
The minimum economic capacity of a unit producing toothpaste and power is 36 MT per annum based on a single shift operation, for 300 operating days working schedule in a year.
The unit may require about 500 sq.mts. of land out of which the covered area is around 300 sq.mts.
Raw Materials
All the raw materials are available indigenously. The annual requirement of main raw materials at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Precipitated calcium carbonate 18.50 tons
2. Sodium lauryl sulphate 2.50 tons
3. Hexa chloroprene 0.02 tons
4. Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose 2.50 tons
5. Sodum mono fluoro phosphate 0.10 tons
6. Glycerin 2.50 tons
7. Starch 1.20 tons
8. Milk of mangesia 0.20 tons
9. Sodium perborate 0.20 tons
10. Neutral soap 0.40 tons
11. Magnesium carbonate 0.25 tons
12. Thymol 0.42 tons
13. Menthol 0.05 tons
14. Camphor 0.20 tons
15. Saccharin 0.55 tons
16. Flavour 0.45 tons
17. Other misc. consumables 0.50 tons
The units annual requirement of various utilities like power, fuel and water etc at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Total connected load 20 KV
2. Maximum demand load 15 KV
3. Annual requirement of electricity 28800 Kwh
4. Annual requirement of water 4000 KL
5. Annual requirement of fuel oil 2 KL
Manufacturing Process
Tooth paste formulations contain abrasives like calcium carbonate di and tri calcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate etc. Forming agents like detergents. wetting agents, sweetners, preservatives, humectants like glycerine, flavour, colour, gum, antiseptic etc. The combination should be such that the toothpaste leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth
after brushing. Distilled water and glycerine are taken together in a stainless steel kettle and heated to 70°C and gum is added slowly with continuous stirrings. The mass is allowed to cool through a 24 hrs period and strained through muslin cloth. The gum mucilage added in required quantities in a mixer and the mixture is heated to 100°C with constant stirring. The mixture of dicalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate prepared before is added to this, till the mixture becomes homogenous. Sodium lauryl sulphate is added. The mixtures stirred and allowed to stand for two days, homogenised and packed in collapsible tubes. Tooth powder ingredients essentially consist of abrassive, soap, flavour sweetners, etc. A typical formulation for
a simple tooth powder includes :
1. Precipitated chalk 74 parts
2. Sodium bicarbonate 2 parts
3. Tricalcium phosphate 15 parts
4. White powdered castile soap 6.5 parts
5. Saccharine 0.3 parts
6. Flavour 2.2 parts
There are various other type of powders like herbal tooth powder, oxygenated tooth powder, chlorophyl tooth powder. The various ingredients are ground in a grinder, mixed in a ribbon blender, sieved to the required finness and packed.
Plant & Machinery
1. Planetary Mixer Made of stainless steel jacketted complete with heater and motor cap. 10 Its.
2. Aluminium storage tanks cap. 250 Itrs. 4 nos
3. Stainless steel homogeniser cap. 15 kg.
4. Distillation unit, cap. 100-150 lirs. per day
5. Baby boiler, 100 psi with water feed pump and other auxiliaries
6. Toothpaste filling machine of stainless steel, hand operated cap. 10 kg.
7. Crimping machine, hand operated
8. Overhead water storage tank with pumps
9. Weighing scale 50 kg, capaicty platform type
10. Grinder
The unit will provide employmentn to 25 persons including staff for factory supervision, administration and sales, labour, watch & ward etc.
Estimated Cost of the Project
The cost of a 36 MT per annum capacity toothpaste and toothpowder project is estimated at $61643.83 is as follows:
1. Land & site development $1369.86
2. Buildings $8219.16
3. Plant & machinery $20547.94
4. Technical know-how and engg. fees $2739.72
5. Misc. fixed assets $4109.58
6. Preliminary and preoperative
expenses $4109.58
7. Margin money for working capital $13698.63
8. Contingencies $6849.31
TOTAL $61643.83
Suggested Means of Financing
1. Long term loans from financial institutions $41095.89
2. Central/state cash subsidy $6575.34
3. Promoters capital $13972.60
TOTAL $61643.83
Subsidy is taken as 15% of the Fixed Capital Investment, however it varies from state to state, ranging from 10% to 25% depending upon the category of identified backward area.