IntroductionSoaps are salts of the fatty acids or mixtures of such salts. There are two kinds of soaps namely water soluble and water insoluble. Water soluble soaps possess properties like lowering the surface tension of water, foaming, wetting and emulsification and promoting dirt removal. Synthetic detergents are synthetic substances having essential property of soap. An additional property which the soaps display is that they do not get precipitated by the calcium and magnesium salts present in hard water. Soap are prepared either by neutralizing the preformed fatty acids with alkali or by direct saponification of a fat or mixture of fats by treatment with an alkali. The proeprties of soaps are governed by the nature of fatty acids from which they are derived. Laundry soap is popular surfactant that finds appliation in houdehold sector as well as in industrial sector. As soon as demand is concerned household applications are clearly a dominating partners.
Suggested Capacity:The minimum economic capacity of a unit producing laundry soap is 300 MT per annum based on a single shift oepration for 300 operating days working schedule in a year.
LandThe unit may requrie about 500 sq.mts. of land out of which the covered area is around 250 sq.mts.
Raw MaterialsThe annual requriement of main raw materials at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Fatty acids 150 MT2. Caustic soda 22.5 MT3. Sodium silicate 120 MT4. Other chemicals like fillers,perfumes etc. 10 MT
UtilitiesThe unit's annual requreiment of various utilities like power, fuel and water etc. at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Total connected load 20 kw2. Maximum demand load 15 Kw3. Annual requirement of electricity 36000 Kwh4. Annual requriement of water 1500KL5. Annual requirement of coal 60 MTManufacturing ProcessThe calculated amount of fatty acids in desired properties is taken into a steel kettle with a slightly conical bottom Live steam is supplied from the bottom of the kettle through perforated coil. A solution of caustic soda is so adjusted that it is just sufficient to combine with all the acids in the kettle. The final soap is tested with the test paper for free alkali. A wet litmus paper is dipped into hot soap taken on a laddie and is tested for colour. A faint pink which gradually develops into a deep shade within 15-30 seconds would indicate correct free alkalies (i.e. within 0.05-0.1% free caustic alkali) in the soap. A very deep pink immediately on dipping would indicate excess of alkali and some fatty acids should be added for correction. If the paper remains white, alkali, should be added as it indicates free unneutralised fatty acids in the soap. The soap must be tested in this way three or four times till it gives the right results. The agitation is provided by the direct steam jet entering from the bottom through a central pipe.The reaction is as under:RCOOH + NaOH —> RCOONa + H2O(fattty acid) <— (caustic soda) <— (soap)Sodium carbonate may also be taken in place of caustic soda.2R COOH + Na2CO3 —> 2RCOO Na + Co2 + H2OA mild steel kettle may be used if process of addition reversed viz. the alkali solution is taken in the kettle and the wetted fatty acids are added to the alkali in the centre of the mass. Since the fatty acids react fairly quick, they should not come in contact with the sides of the kettle. The kettle soap is pumped from the kettle to a crutcher which is a small tank fitted with a special agitator and with a steam jacket. In the crutcher requried quantity of sodium silicate is added to the mixture. The temperature of crutcher should not exceed 70°C. The mixing should proceed for 15 to 20 minutes and temperature maintained between 600 and 70°C by means of steam in jacket.The homogenous mixture is then run off from the bottom of the crutcher into a frame with removable side. The soap in the frame is then hardened for three days. The dried block is then cut slab, bars and pieces as the size requried and then packed.Technical Know-howThe process know-how and technoloy is available indigenously. No foreign collaboration for import of know-how is therefore necessary.
Plant & Machinery1. Soap kettles (4'x6') MS plate open type2. MS storage tank (10'x10')3. Crutcher (3.5'x3.5')4. C.I. frame & frame trollies5. Baby boiler 250 kgs. 100 psi cap.6. Slabbing and cutting frames7. Chipping machine with motor8. Drying racks and trays9. Misc. equipment
PersonnelThe unit will provide employment to 14 persons including staff for factory supervision, administration and sales, labour, watch & ward etc.
Estimated Cost of the ProjectThe capital cost of a 300 MT per annum capacity laundry soap project is estimated at Rs. $41095.89 as follows:
1. Land & site development $1369.862. Buildings $6849.313. Plant & machinery $13698.634. Technical know-how & engg. fees $1369.865. Misc. fixed assets $1369.866. Preliminary & preoperative expenses $2739.727. Margin money for working capital $9589.048. Contingencies $4109.58TOTAL $41095.89
Suggested Means of Financing :1. Long term loans from financial institutions $27397.262. Central/State cash subsidy $ 4315.063. Promoters capital $9383.56TOTAL $41098.59Subsidy is taken as 15% of the Fixed Capital Investment, however it varies from state to state, ranging from 10% to 25% depending upon the category of identified backward area.
Soaps are salts of the fatty acids or mixtures of such salts. There are two kinds of soaps namely water soluble and water insoluble. Water soluble soaps possess properties like lowering the surface tension of water, foaming, wetting and emulsification and promoting dirt removal. Synthetic detergents are synthetic substances having essential property of soap. An additional property which the soaps display is that they do not get precipitated by the calcium and magnesium salts present in hard water.
Soap are prepared either by neutralizing the preformed fatty acids with alkali or by direct saponification of a fat or mixture of fats by treatment with an alkali. The proeprties of soaps are governed by the nature of fatty acids from which they are derived. Laundry soap is popular surfactant that finds appliation in houdehold sector as well as in industrial sector. As soon as demand is concerned household applications are clearly a dominating partners.
Suggested Capacity:
The minimum economic capacity of a unit producing laundry soap is 300 MT per annum based on a single shift oepration for 300 operating days working schedule in a year.
The unit may requrie about 500 sq.mts. of land out of which the covered area is around 250 sq.mts.
Raw Materials
The annual requriement of main raw materials at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Fatty acids 150 MT
2. Caustic soda 22.5 MT
3. Sodium silicate 120 MT
4. Other chemicals like fillers,
perfumes etc. 10 MT
The unit's annual requreiment of various utilities like power, fuel and water etc. at 100% capacity utilisation are estimated as follows:
1. Total connected load 20 kw
2. Maximum demand load 15 Kw
3. Annual requirement of electricity 36000 Kwh
4. Annual requriement of water 1500KL
5. Annual requirement of coal 60 MT
Manufacturing Process
The calculated amount of fatty acids in desired properties is taken into a steel kettle with a slightly conical bottom Live steam is supplied from the bottom of the kettle through perforated coil. A solution of caustic soda is so adjusted that it is just sufficient to combine with all the acids in the kettle. The final soap is tested with the test paper for free alkali. A wet litmus paper is dipped into hot soap taken on a laddie and is tested for colour. A faint pink which gradually develops into a deep shade within 15-30 seconds would indicate correct free alkalies (i.e. within 0.05-0.1% free caustic alkali) in the soap. A very deep pink immediately on dipping would indicate excess of alkali and some fatty acids should be added for correction. If the paper remains white, alkali, should be added as it indicates free unneutralised fatty acids in the soap. The soap must be tested in this way three or four times till it gives the right results. The agitation is provided by the direct steam jet entering from the bottom through a central pipe.
The reaction is as under:
(fattty acid) <— (caustic soda) <— (soap)
Sodium carbonate may also be taken in place of caustic soda.
2R COOH + Na2CO3 —> 2RCOO Na + Co2 + H2O
A mild steel kettle may be used if process of addition reversed viz. the alkali solution is taken in the kettle and the wetted fatty acids are added to the alkali in the centre of the mass. Since the fatty acids react fairly quick, they should not come in contact with the sides of the kettle. The kettle soap is pumped from the kettle to a crutcher which is a small tank fitted with a special agitator and with a steam jacket. In the crutcher requried quantity of sodium silicate is added to the mixture. The temperature of crutcher should not exceed 70°C. The mixing should proceed for 15 to 20 minutes and temperature maintained between 600 and 70°C by means of steam in jacket.
The homogenous mixture is then run off from the bottom of the crutcher into a frame with removable side. The soap in the frame is then hardened for three days. The dried block is then cut slab, bars and pieces as the size requried and then packed.
Technical Know-how
The process know-how and technoloy is available indigenously. No foreign collaboration for import of know-how is therefore necessary.
Plant & Machinery
1. Soap kettles (4'x6') MS plate open type
2. MS storage tank (10'x10')
3. Crutcher (3.5'x3.5')
4. C.I. frame & frame trollies
5. Baby boiler 250 kgs. 100 psi cap.
6. Slabbing and cutting frames
7. Chipping machine with motor
8. Drying racks and trays
9. Misc. equipment
The unit will provide employment to 14 persons including staff for factory supervision, administration and sales, labour, watch & ward etc.
Estimated Cost of the Project
The capital cost of a 300 MT per annum capacity laundry soap project is estimated at Rs. $41095.89 as follows:
1. Land & site development $1369.86
2. Buildings $6849.31
3. Plant & machinery $13698.63
4. Technical know-how & engg. fees $1369.86
5. Misc. fixed assets $1369.86
6. Preliminary & preoperative expenses $2739.72
7. Margin money for working capital $9589.04
8. Contingencies $4109.58
TOTAL $41095.89
Suggested Means of Financing :
1. Long term loans from financial institutions $27397.26
2. Central/State cash subsidy $ 4315.06
3. Promoters capital $9383.56
TOTAL $41098.59
Subsidy is taken as 15% of the Fixed Capital Investment, however it varies from state to state, ranging from 10% to 25% depending upon the category of identified backward area.