Already there has been a boom in the emergence of convenience food products in Bangladesh in the last seven years. Among ready to serve convenience food product that have come to dominate modern day metro politian living potato wafers take the first place. Potato chips and wafers are the most common and convenient form of potato snack.
Potato chips are obtained by processing of potato after subjecting it in a sequence of operation. It is a crisp snack food has wide application such as snack or coctail snack with meat or fish for picnic; car rides, tea party or improvised dinner. The composition of food are water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium and Iron etc.
Standards & Specification
. Potato chips, wafers, crips potato slicks etc. have become phenomenally popular among the urban population of Bangladesh in the last few years. Though potato chips had been quite popular, among rural elites on some special occasion, but the consumption of branded chips is almost to negligible value. Within last few years potato snacks especially potato wafers have been so far marketing with success in big cities. While the semi-urban city population have shown an enthusiastic response a stirring of potential consumption can be sensed from entire urban area.
Suggested Capacity
The minimum economic capacity for Potato Chips is 900 MT. On two shift basis.
Land & Building
The unit requires about 2000 sq. mtrs. of land with covered -area of 1200 sq. mtrs.
The requirement of raw materials are
1. Potato (Fresh)
2. Refined vegetable oils
3. Flavour etc.
The unit will require a total connected load of 70 KVA. and a maximum demand of 50 KVA. Water requirement is about 25,000 KL. per annum.
Manufacturing Process
Manufacturing Process
Potato chips are obtained by processing of potato after subjecting it in a sequence of operations such as peeling, cutting and slicing, washing, sorting, dewatering, frying in edible oil with flavouring agents and salt cooling and packing.
Plant & Machinery
3. Potato skin removing machine.
2. Cutting machine for potato slices & potato sticks with semi automatic feeding funnel.
3. Fine cut slicing disk 1.5 mm and 2mm for the cutting of potatos slice
4. Industry Oven.
5. Cooling belt conveyor for potato crisps & stick length 3800 mm.
6. Complete automatic wafers filling-seeding & packaging machine.
7. Feeder hoper 500 kg/hr capacity
8. Salt Doser.
9. Shaker.
10. Slice washer.
11. Spice feeder.
. Personnels
The unit requires to employ about 50 persons including staff for office and factory for production supervision and administration.
Estimated Cost of the Project
The project cost for setting up a unit to manufacture 900 MT, per annum is estimated as follows :
1. Land & Site development $14285.71
2. Building $64285.71
3. Plant & Machinery $185714.28
4. Technical know-how & engineering
fees $7142.8
5. Other misc. fixed assets $57142.85
6. Preliminary & preoperative
expenses $28571.42
7. Margin money for working capital $71428.57
8. Contingecies $28571.42
TOTAL $457142.85
Suggested means of financing
1. Long term loan $285714.25
2. State cash subsidy $42857.14
3. Promoters capital $128571.42
TOTAL $ 457142.85
Subsidy is taken as 15% of the Fixed Capital Investment, however it varies from state to state, ranging from 10% to 25% depending upon the category of identified backward area.