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Jam and Jellies Factory Set up Ideas


    Jam, Jellies. Pickles and Sauces are important products of food processing industry. One or more of these items are consumed by almost everybody in our country every day. Jam & Jellies are pectin gels with high sugar concentration. Pickles are good ap­petizers and add to the palatability of meals. Sauces mainly consist of a vinegar extract of various flavour­ing materials like spices, herbs, etc.


    Jam, jellies and Marmalades are basically pec­tin gels, formed at a pH of about 3 in the presence of partially inverted sugar in high concentration along with fruit or fruit Juice. These products have attrac­tive colour, flavour, characteristic appearance and have very long shelf life. Apple & Berry Jams, Guava, Grapes & Straw Berry Jellies and Marmalades of orange, grapes & lemon are proposed in the unit. Pickles are made of Lime, Cauliflower, mango & cu­cumber with salt, vinegar and lactic acid for the purpose of preservation. Sauces made of mango & tomato are common. Both thin & thick sauces are made. Thin sauces contain vinegar extract of vari­ous flavouring. Sugar content varies from 15 to 30%. Caramel is added to give dark brown colour.


   Jam, Jellies, Pickles & Sauces are in demand in following three major sectors:

Army & Defence;

(ii) Hotel, Catering services & Airlines;

(iii) Civilians. About one third of the pro­duction of these food products is consumed by Army & Defence personnels. The Second most important sector is institutional, comprising of hotels, restau­rants, flight kitchens etc., which consume these proc­essed fruit products. The third one that is common civilian market, which was very limited so far, now is gaining momentum due to rapid urbanisation, rise in standard of living and need for convenient food products.

Suggested Capacity

  The minimum economic capacity for the pro­duction of processed fruit & vegetable products is 210 tons per annum with the product mix as follows:

Jam & Pectin (Apple & Berry)                    :        17 Tons.

Jellies (Guava, Grapes & Berry)                 :         5 Tons

Marmalades (Orange, Grapes&le

mon)                                                            :         7 Tons

Pickles (Mango, Lime & Cauliflower)       :         130 Tons

Sauce/ketchup (Mango & Tomato)            :          51 Tons

Land & Building

    The unit requires about 700 sq. mtrs. of the land with covered area of 500 sq. mtrs.

Raw Materials

   The requirement of raw materials for the manu­facture of 210 tons of Jams, Jellies Pickles, and Sauces, are as under:-

1.  Fruits (Apple, Berries, Guava,

Grapes, Mango, Oranges)                      :       180 Tons.

2.  Vegetables (Cauliflower,

Tomatoes, Lemon & Lime)                   :       125 Tons.

3.  Sugar                                                 :       30 Tons

4.  Common Salt & other additives       :        100 Tons


   The unit will require a total connected load of 100 KVA and a maximum demand of 80 KVA. Water requirement is about 3000 KL per annum.

Manufacturing process

Jams are made from fruit by washing, pulping, screening, adding sugar, invert sugar & pectines, concentrating and filling in cans in hot conditions. For making Jellies, fruits are sliced and extracted by cooking in water, straining and mixing with sugar & Pectines. This mix is concentrated, canned and pas­teurized. The pickles are made from fruits or vegeta­bles by curing in salt or vinegar, Fermatation by add­ing vinegar, storage in warm place with occasional shaking. Sauces are made by pulping the vegetable in hot water, mixing with vinegar & sugar, concen­tration and filteration. Sauce is filled in Bottles.

Plant & Machinery

1.  Spray washing machine

2.  Blanching tank

3.  Heating pans made of 3 mm thick SS Sheets

4.  Mixing pans with enamelled steel construction

5.  SS Sugar Syrup preparation tank with agitation

6.  Weighing Machines

7.  Canning retorts with crates.

8.  Cooling tanks for processed cans.

9.  Knives, tools, material handling equipment 10. Bpttle/Jar/ Cans Filling machine


    The unit requires to employ about 52 persons including staff for office and factory for production supervision and administration.

Estimated Cost of the Project

The project cost for setting up the unit to manu­facture 210 tons of Jam, Jelly, Pickle & Sauces per annum is estimated at Rs.  as follows:

1.   Land & site development                                      $5479.45

2.   Building                                                                $20547.94

3.   Plant & machinery                                                $27397.26

4.   Technical know-how & engineering

fees                                                                            $2739.72

5.   Other Misc. fixed assets                                        $6849.32

6.   Preliminary & preoperative expenses                    $8219.17

7.   Margin money for working capital                        $9589.04

8.   Contingencies                                                      $4794.12

TOTAL                                                                      $86301.3

Suggested means of Financing

1.   Long term loan:                                                    $57534.24

2.   State cash subsidy                                                $10273.9

3.   Promoters capital                                                 $18493.15

TOTAL                                                                      $86301.3

Subsidy is taken as 15% of the Fixed Capital Investment, however it varies from state to state, rang­ing from 10% to 25% depending upon the category of identified backward area.